What career is best for me

What career is best for me?

Deciding on a career can be overwhelming, but with the right tools and research, it can become a less daunting task. Knowing your strengths, interests, and values can help guide you to the career that’s best for you. In this article, we’ll discuss how to identify the career that fits you best, as well as tips for researching potential job opportunities.

Explore your interests, values, and skills

Take some time to explore your interests, values, and skills to help narrow your search for the right job. These three factors will help you determine what career path will be most fulfilling and stimulating to you.


Think about what activities you naturally enjoy—reading, writing, working with your hands, or building something. Consider what classes you found especially interesting in school, or if you’ve ever participated in any interest groups, such as an astronomy club or a cooking club. Exploring your interests can give you clues as to what types of careers you’d enjoy.


Your values can help identify the kind of working environment you prefer. Do you want to work in a structured, corporate setting, or do you prefer the freedom and flexibility of a smaller office? Do you prefer to work with a diverse group of people, or do you prefer to stick to working with those of a similar background? Knowing your values can help you narrow down the type of workplace that would most suit your needs.


Identify the skills you possess that could be valued in your chosen field. These skills include both core, hard skills (such as accounting, programming, or welding) and more general, soft skills (such as communication, problem solving, or interpersonal relationships). Think about the types of fields that could benefit from these skills and consider if any of these fields are of interest to you.

Research potential job options

Once you have a better understanding of your interests, values, and skills, take some time to do more in-depth research into different career fields. This research can help you determine which types of jobs might be the best fit for you and provide insight into what each job entails. Here are a few tips for conducting your research:

  • Talk to people in the field. Networking can be an effective way to learn more about different careers. Talk to those who are currently in the career fields you’re researching; they’ll be able to provide you with an inside look at what the job is really like.
  • Take shadowing opportunities. If possible, get an even closer look at a potential job by shadowing someone in the field. This provides a first-hand experience of the job and allows you to determine if it’s something you can see yourself doing on a daily basis.
  • Read job postings. Take a look at the job postings and descriptions in the field to get an idea of the types of roles available. Consider if these job postings are a good fit for you and your skill set.
  • Write down your thoughts. As you explore various job options, write down your thoughts along the way. Take notes on the job responsibilities, company culture, job requirements, and any other pieces of information that will help you to make a decision.

Make a decision

Once you’ve done your research and identified a few potential job options, it’s time to make a decision. Consider what is most important to you in a job—the salary, the location, the hours, or something else. Think about the pros and cons of each job you’re considering and how they compare to one another.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the right job for you. Taking the time to research, explore, and consider all of your options will make it much easier to find the career that is best for you.